This week was the first Still Life Class at the Studio. It's been years since I have drawn and so the drawings left a lot to be desired but the bug bit me hard! My very dear friend Barbara showed up and we sat for 2 hours drawing from an arrangement of Spirea, Flannel Flowers, Snow drop bulbs and Muscari. I didn't make it easy for us choosing such minute detailed material, but the composition had a lot of movement and delicacy. Today I went back to the scene of the crime and added some poppies to it and attempted a pastel drawing. Needless to say I need a lot more practice. Next session is Monday night for any takers! 8PM at 285 N6th St Williamsburg. Email me at to rsvp your spot. I will probably start at 7 and go till 10.
Hope to see some shiny happy faces!
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